This book is an adapted work from
Translated and adapted by Ana Mª López Floría (2023)
First steps with Scratch
Starting to use Scratch
We are going to make our first program in Scratch: Click on the Code tab, in the Events menu ...
Sprites, costumes and stages
Activity: Sprites A new project in Scratch always comes with a sprite: it's a Cat. You can chang...
Programs and motion
Activity: Add a new program Let's add that when you press the "a" key, the sprite rotates 90 deg...
Sound, Music and Pen
Sound Sound blocks are used to play sounds at some point in our program. Each sprite comes with ...
Control: loops
Practical case: To better understand what repetitions are, make a program that draws two dashed ...
Control: conditions
Conditions are a type of blocks that evaluate something, and if it is true, then the blocks neste...
We can communicate two programs either within the same sprite or between different sprites or wit...
We can understand variables as a "name" that contains a "value." We can assign a value to the var...
Your first game
Practical case: Let's create our first game! With all this we can create a simple game. At th...
Basic elements in programming
Normally we program because we want to obtain a result. This result is what we usually call OUTPU...
A program like the example of the Hello World is not typical in programming. Increasingly, we se...
In order to operate with the data, we must previously reserve memory spaces in which to store it....
Types of operations The operations to be performed with the data can be: Arithmetic: classic ...
A comment in programming is text in our source code that the compiler ignores. And if it is ign...