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Sensors and actuators


A sensor is an object capable of detecting physical or chemical quantities and transforming them into electrical signals.

Depending on the type of the electrical signal produced they can be DIGITAL, ANALOGICS or DATA.

  • DIGITAL: una digital sensor digitalonly sólohas tienetwo dos estados:states: activated/disactivated, ON/OFF, 1/0, High/Low,Low. ... E.g: An electronic pushbutton  is a kind of simple digital sensor with two possible states: pushed or not pushed.boton-pulsador-1.jpg
  • ANALOGICS: This sensor can provide a range of values, normally a variable voltage or current value, depending on the signal detected. E.g: A LDR decreases the value of its resistance with an increment of light detected.Light-Dependent-Resistor.jpg
  • DATA: the sensor offers its information through a communication interface. E.g: DHT11 sensor measures temperature and humidity.2022-04-13-19-27-43-proyecto-00-conocemos-arduino-pdf-google-drive.pngThere are lots of different sensors. To get further information click on here.


An actuator is any device capable of performing actions in the physical world that we can control from a processor board (like Arduino)

boton-pulsador-1.jpgDepending on the type of action produced they can be:

  • ANALÓGICOLIGHT: elThe sensormost noscommon puedeis darthe unnormal rangoLED, debut valores,there normalmenteis sealso traduceRGB enLED's, unneopixel valorlightsaber, delaser tensiónor oLCD dedisplays
corriente variable en función de la señal captada al sensor.

  • DATOSSOUND: elThere sensorare ofreceactive suand informaciónpassive buzzers. Active buzzers play a travéstone deof unaa interfazfrequency dedetermined comunicación

    when they receive a digital "1" whereas a passive buzzer only plays the wave that receives.


  • InformationMOTION: extractedThere from:are different types of motors depending on their properties. They usually need auxiliary elements to be controlled by processor boards, because of the voltage they require.